Federation management

The General Assembly is the highest body of the Czech Cycling Federation.

Power of the general meeting:

approval of the statutes and all amendments, approval of change of purpose, approval of the Rules of Procedure of the CCF General Assembly, the election rules of the CCF General Assembly, or other internal regulations of these statutes

Presidential election

election of members of the CCF executive committee

election of members of the control and refereeing commission of the CCF

discussion and approval of the report on the activities of the control committee CCF

discussion and approval of the report on the activities of the audit committee CCF

discussion and approval of changes to the name of the CCF

decision-making on the cancellation and the method of cancellation of the CCF

Executive committee

manages the activities of the CCF in accordance with the law and the CCF statutes

is the main governing body between the proceedings of the CCF General Assembly

has 21 members, the position of a member of the CCF executive committee is not replaceable

the president is always a member of the CCF executive committee, as a statutory body of the CCF

term of office is 4 years


implements the tasks set by the general assembly CCF and executive committee CCF

manages the activities of the CCF between meetings of the CCF executive committee and decides on all activities that do not fall under the exclusive authority of the CCF executive committee and general assembly CCF

it has 7 members, consisting of the president and 6 members elected by the CCF General Assembly

the presidium members elect 2 vice-presidents from among themselves, one of the vice-presidents is also the statutory representative of the CCF president

term of office is 4 years


is elected by the CCF General Assembly

is a member of the CCF executive committee and the Presidium

is the statutory body of the association

term of office is 4 years

Audit Committee

is the independent, supreme control body of the CCF

Referee Commission

is an independent body of the CCF that decides disputed matters belonging to the self-government of the CCF

Commission of Disciplines

Discipline commissions are appointed by the CCF Presidium

They are:

BMX Commission

Cyclocross Commission

Track Cycling Commission

MTB/Trial Commission

Indoor Cycling Commission

Road Cycling Commission

Para cycling commission

For all other powers, see CCF statutes